FINANCIAL ENGLISH (banking, insurance, accountants, tax or customs officials)
2 courses available at levels B1 and C1+
ADVISED LENGTH OF EACH COURSE: Each course 10 weeks, one lesson per week of 3 hours (Total 30 hoursl) + availability of an advice service during course by ‘phone and email.
Home study should be considered as an integral part of the course and take on average 3-4 hours per week.
Maximum group size: 9
Just the course for developing discussion and writing skills based on banking, finance, investment and accountancy language.
Besides an intense vocabulary builder, the study of up-to-the-minute articles leading to realistic role-plays will develop your ability to compete more effectively in the international arena.
A thorough and appropriate grammar review is, of course, included.
These courses can also be tailor-made for any of the groups in this professional area.